Jockey Club "Back U up" Community Education Project for Child Survivors of Sexual Violence
Jockey Club "Back U up" Community Education Project for Child Survivors of Sexual Violence

Many toys are designed as distinctly gendered products. While children's toys are primarily aimed at kids, the actual purchasers and designers are adults. Adults have established solid stereotypes regarding gender, which inevitably influences the design of children's toys, reflecting gender roles prevalent in the adult world and mainstream societal values. In our habitual toy selections, can we move beyond traditional frameworks? Can we redefine the relationship between children and their toys? We invite you to join this discussion on reshaping gender and cultural narratives as we explore possibilities for a more equal and free future.
展覽日期 Date8/2 ~ 13/4 2025
場地 Venue
480.0性別 × 藝術空間 480.0 Gender & Art Space
480.0性別 × 藝術空間 480.0 Gender & Art Space
*逢星期五(14:30 - 16:30)、逢星期六及日(11:00 - 18:30)為公眾開放時段。
*Public visit on Friday (14:30 - 16:30), Saturday and Sunday (11:00 - 18:30).
Reservation of docent tours for groups, schools, organisations or media are welcomed. Please contact us for more information.
Reservation of docent tours for groups, schools, organisations or media are welcomed. Please contact us for more information.
查詢 Enquiry
只接受預約參觀 By Appointments Only
活動 Activities
時段:逢星期六 14:30 - 15:30
報名方法:請預約參觀星期六 14:30 - 15:30 時段
Anti480 另為中學、大專院校及團體提供教育導賞,開放討論環節,歡迎聯絡了解更多。
歡迎機構、團體、媒體 WhatsApp 預約團體導賞服務。
歡迎機構、團體、媒體 WhatsApp 預約團體導賞服務。
日期:2025年2月15日 (六)
時間:下午 14:30 - 16:00
時間:上午 11:00 - 下午 13:00
時間:下午 16:00 - 17:30
嘉賓:Rachel Chak
時間:下午 14:00 - 16:00
共同策展人 Co-curator

Graduated from the University of Nantes in France with a master's degree in discourse analysis, while also studying theatre research and practice. Currently, she is an independent writer and art freelancer engaged in curatorial work. She has authored "Flower of Pain" and "My path to Pengchau Cinema." Her creations blend philosophical thinking and theatrical elements with artistic expression, utilising a cross-cultural perspective to examine the intricate connections between individuals and their communities, delving into a variety of topics including mental landscapes, gender dynamics, and island life.
共同協作單位 Collaborating Units

翟桐 Rachel Chak
A native Hong Konger who loves nature and small communities. Graduated with first-class honors in Art and Design in Education from Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Experience includes working for fashion magazines, advertising companies, and local arts organizations, exploring the intersections of art, design, and art education. After becoming a mother, she is re-exploring community from a co-learning and co-nurturing perspective. As a founder of "The Good Soil," she is keen to focus on exploring fun and creative projects about nature, community, traditional culture, and art through curiosity and wonder.
畢業於香港理工大學,於2007至2013年間擔任時裝零售巨擎 JOYCE的副總裁,主理市場傳訊及創作部。在加入時裝零售界之前,她是潮流雜誌《士多》出版人之一,並曾任時裝雜誌編輯。2011年出版雙語書藉《私收藏》,於香港及海外生活時尚店Colette(巴黎)及10 Corso Como (米蘭) 發售。
Graduated from BA (Hons) Fashion Design in Degree at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Ning Lau formerly worked as the Vice President of fashion retail JOYCE group from 2007 to 2013. Before she joined the retail industry, she was the founder and editor of “Store Magazine”. In 2011, Ning published her bilingual book, “My Treasures”, which was sold in Hong Kong, Paris Colette, and Milan Corso Como.

郭婷教授 Prof. Ting Guo
現任香港中文大學文化與宗教系助理教授、《美國宗教學會期刊》書評編輯。她曾任牛津大學達倫多夫自由研究項目,現亦為多倫多大學Wycliffe College的掛名助理教授。
Ting Guo is Assistant Professor of Religious Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong and book review editor for the Journal of the American Academy of Religion. She was a research assistant for the Dahrendorf Programme for the Study of Freedom, University of Oxford and currently holds a status-only Assistant Professorship with Wycliffe College, University of Toronto.

陳燕怡 Cat
Chen Yanyi Cat received her Ph.D. from the Department of Literature and Cultural Studies at The Education University of Hong Kong. Her research interests include writers' self-representation, Hong Kong Literature, and picture books. Her articles can be found in scholarly/literary journals and newspaper. She used to work as Project Coordinator for "One City One Book Hong Kong" a community reading programme initiated by EdUHK, promoting literary works and picture book reading through cross-disciplinary collaboration. Her recent work involves supervising MA theses at the School of Arts and Social Sciences at HKMU. In addition to her academic research, she enjoys puppetry and community arts.
如有查詢,歡迎致電 2625 4016 或電郵至 info@anti480.org.hk