適逢三八婦女節,我們在心蓮心的支持下推出「預防工作間性騷擾信息包」派發予公司/機構,並邀請本地插畫家文地貓 Mandycat再度和我們合作,設計Stand Up Memo,呼籲大家主動站出來支持性騷擾受害人,協力加強機構各成員的反性騷擾意識。大家有否遇過與漫畫類同的性騷擾呢?留言俾意見可以獲得文地貓Stand Up Memo喔!(送完即止)
1) Like ACSVAW專頁及相應的帖文
2) 於帖文留言分享一下如果你係Mandycat見到漫畫中的情境,你會點做呢?
Honoring the International Women’s Day and with the support of Women Helping Women Hong Kong (WHWHK), we are launching the “Anti-sexual harassment information kit”. We have invited Mandycat to design the STAND UP Memo as part of the info for the campaign to raise awareness of workplace sexual harassment and to encourage everyone stands up for victims of sexual harassment. What would you do when you encounter such sexual harassment situation?
1) Like ACSVAW專頁及相應的帖文
2) 於帖文留言分享一下如果你係Mandycat見到漫畫中的情境,你會點做呢?
Honoring the International Women’s Day and with the support of Women Helping Women Hong Kong (WHWHK), we are launching the “Anti-sexual harassment information kit”. We have invited Mandycat to design the STAND UP Memo as part of the info for the campaign to raise awareness of workplace sexual harassment and to encourage everyone stands up for victims of sexual harassment. What would you do when you encounter such sexual harassment situation?
1) Like ACSVAW Facebook & this post
2) Share you thought on the post and you will be award a STAND UP MEMO designed by Mandycat
2) Share you thought on the post and you will be award a STAND UP MEMO designed by Mandycat
About Workplace Sexual Harassment
About Workplace Sexual Harassment
風雨蘭為受性別暴力(包括性騷擾等)傷害的人士提供免費法律諮詢,安排與義務律師會面,並提供法律及相關權益的資訊。預約面見:www.rainlily.org.hk/lc 即時協助或輔導支援熱線:2375 5322
A main focus of this campaign is to reach out to companies and individuals to raise awareness of workplace sexual harassment and equip them with knowledge on how to prevent it. The Stand Up Memo is part of the info kit to encourage everyone to stand up for victims of sexual harassment. If you're an industry leader who wishes to better protect your employees and provide a safer working environment, or if you want any information on sexual harassment, contact us and we will send you the information kit. Donations to support RainLily's service are welcome & appreciated: http://bit.ly/supportrainlily
RainLily Legal Clinic Service provides FREE legal consultation for victims of gender-based violence (including sexual violence). Lawyers of the Clinic provide pro-bono information on legal rights and the legal process for the victims. For more information: http://www.rainlily.org.hk/lc
RainLily Hotline: 2375 5322
RainLily Legal Clinic Service provides FREE legal consultation for victims of gender-based violence (including sexual violence). Lawyers of the Clinic provide pro-bono information on legal rights and the legal process for the victims. For more information: http://www.rainlily.org.hk/lc
RainLily Hotline: 2375 5322
Announcement of result
參加者將獲專人通知領取「預防工作間性騷擾信息包」(含文地貓Stand Up Memo)。
You will be notified individually to receive the “Anti-sexual harassment information kit” (includes a STAND UP MEMO designed by Mandycat).
You will be notified individually to receive the “Anti-sexual harassment information kit” (includes a STAND UP MEMO designed by Mandycat).
1. 是次活動時間為2018年3月8日至2018年3月29日。
2. 參加者必須已追蹤ACSVAW Facebook 專頁 (https://www.facebook.com/ACSVAW/) 及 帖文 (https://www.facebook.com/ACSVAW/posts/1635172226559859?comment_id=1635216493222099¬if_id=1520477540997706¬if_t=feed_comment&ref=notif) 否則不能獲得禮品。
3. 每位參加者可留言多於一次,惟一個身份只能獲得一份禮品。
4. 參加者須於2018年4月期間自行到480.0 性別x藝術空間獲取禮物。
5. 所有獎品不能更改、退換或兌換現金。
6. 任何因電腦、網路等技術問題而引致參加者所遞交的資料有遲延、遺失、錯誤、無法辨識等情況,480.0 毋須負上任何責任。所有與活動有關之日期及時間(包括但不限於參加活動之日期及時間、得獎者回覆資料之日期及時間) 均以480.0 為準及受制於480.0 的最終決定。480.0 毋須就任何遺失、延遲或誤投,負上任何責任。
7. 得獎者需同意讓480.0 替得獎者與獎品拍照以作記錄或宣傳。
8. 480.0 有權隨時修改本條款及細則,而毋須事先通知。
9. 如有任何爭議,480.0性別 x 藝術空間將擁有最終決定權。
10. 本條款及細則的中文版本僅供參考,若英文版本與中文版本的規定不一致,以英文版本為準。
11. 此條款及細則適用香港特別行政區法律。
Terms and Conditions
1. Event Period is between 8 March 2018 and 29 March 2018.
2. Participants are required to become followers of ACSVAW Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/acsvaw), and the Facebook Post(https://www.facebook.com/ACSVAW/posts/1635172226559859?comment_id=1635216493222099¬if_id=1520477540997706¬if_t=feed_comment&ref=notif) or they may be disqualified.
3. Participants shall leave more than one comment, however, one person will only be given one certificate and one gift.
4. Participants need to come to 480.0 to collect the gift within April 2018.
5. All gifts cannot be changed, returned or exchanged for cash.
6. 480.0 Gender x Art Space will not assume any responsibility for any data submission delay, lost, error, non-recognizing etc. situations due to computer, network and other technical issues. All dates and times related to the Event (including, but not limited to, participation date and time, winners’ reply date and time) shall be based on 480.0 Gender x Art Space’s record and subject to the final decision of 480.0 Gender x Art Space. 480.0 Gender x Art Space does not hold any liability for any lost, delayed or wrongful submissions.
7. The winner shall authorize 480.0 Gender x Art Space to take photos for them with the award for record and promotional purposes.
8. 480.0 Gender x Art Space reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions without prior notice.
9. In case of any dispute, 480.0 Gender x Art Space will have the final decision.
10. The Chinese version of these terms and conditions is for reference only. In case of discrepancies between the provisions of the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.
11. These terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of Hong Kong SAR.
Issued by 480.0 Gender x Art Space.