Jockey Club "Back U up" Community Education Project for Child Survivors of Sexual Violence

As the saying goes, "where the heart finds peace is where one's home is." In the midst of the tumultuous changes in society and the experiences of life, we struggle to find peace. However, peace does not have a fixed location on a map and may not be within the confines of any system. What it means to each individual may vary. The concept of "peace" is not tied to a specific place, but rather, it can be the inner voice that is heard, or the inner thoughts that are acknowledged. For survivors of sexual violence, "peace" carries with it their own experiences, which are accompanied by the changing societal landscape. Let us come together with survivors and artists to reclaim peace during this turbulent time.

展覽日期 Date:2023.9.1 ~ 2023.12.17(見預約表格 Please refer to the booking form)
場地 Venue:480.0性別 × 藝術空間 480.0 Gender & Art Space
*Public visit on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We welcome groups/schools/organisations to book sessions on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.
只接受預約參觀 Appointments Only

This exhibition contains descriptions of sexual violence. Visitor discretion is advised.
參與藝術家 Artist
含蓄 Humchuk @humchuk
Ricky Luk (Humchuk) graduated with a master’s degree in Architecture (Design) from the University of Hong Kong in 2012. In 2014, he gave up his career in architecture to become a full time illustrator. Since then, he has been collecting ordinary stories from the street by giving away his paintings in exchange, in hopes of reminding people to cherish every moment in life.
韓麗珠 HON Lai Chu  
寫小說及散文。著有小說集《人皮刺繡》、《空臉》、《失去洞穴》《縫身》等,散文集《半蝕》、《黑日》及《回家》, 曾獲香港藝術發展局藝術家年獎(2018)、《黑日》獲台北國際書展2020非小說類大獎。
Hon Lai Chu is the author of the short story collections Darkness under the Sun and Homecoming, and novels such as Body Seam, Empty Face, Lost Caves, The Border of Centrifugation, Body-sewing, Grey Flower, Kite Family, The Water Pipe Forest, Silent Creature and Hard Copies. Her accolades also include the Hong Kong Arts Development Council Artist of the Year, Hong Kong Book Prize, and Hong Kong Biennial Award for Chinese Literature (Fiction)
洪曉嫻 HUNG Hiu Han, Kitty @kittyisnothere
Hung Hiu Han, poet. Born in the city of Hong Kong in 1989. She graduated at the Department of Cultural Studies at CUHK, Recipient of numerous literature awards for her works in poetry and fiction. Her poems feminine in essence, which in her passage through the turbulent worlds, accumulated into the complacence and pride of a crimson petal dancing amongst passing silence and withering wind. Having a daughter led her to think more about gender identity , land and early childhood education. Simmered in a natural surrounding, her daughter is exploring all the possibilities of the world through her own hands.
高立 KO Lap @lap.ko
Ko Lap has had many years of experience as a graphic designer in the media industry and has won numerous international and local design awards. His works have been published in Sunday Mingpao. Ko believes that art and the mind are interconnected, that art and all the details of life are inseparable. It is only by becoming a mindful observer and understanding the brightness of darkside amidst all kinds of human conditions can one continue to live a meaningful life.
李鈺淇 LEE Yuk Ki, Florence @florence____l
在藝術家李鈺淇的實踐中,她將轉瞬即逝的人物、生活經歷和富有詩意的視覺隱喻組合在一起。 她在城市的日常偶遇中挖掘出想法和靈感,並探索她和自己的文化身份之間的多層次聯繫。她畢業於倫敦藝術大學中央聖馬丁學院平面傳媒設計系,並於香港城市大學創意媒體藝術獲得碩士學位。她的作品曾在多個國際電影節及藝術機構獲廣泛播映,包括法國安錫國際動畫影展、克羅地亞薩格勒布世界動畫電影節、瑞士Fantoche國際動畫電影節等。
Assembling and staging ephemeral figures, lived experiences, and poetic visual metaphors in her practice, Florence Yuk-ki Lee unearths ideas and inspirations from her daily encounters in Hong Kong—the city where she grew up—to investigate the multilayered connection between herself and her cultural identity. Lee obtained her BA in Graphic Communication Design from Central Saint Martins and her MFA in Creative Media from the City University of Hong Kong. Her works of art has been shown at various festivals and venues, including Annecy International Animation Film Festival, Animafest Zagreb and Fantoche International Animation Film Festival.​​​​​​​
謝曉虹 TSE Hiu Hung, Dorothy 
著有《好黑》、《鷹頭貓與音樂箱女孩》、《無遮鬼》等;曾獲香港書獎、中文文學雙年獎、台灣聯合文學小說新人獎、香港藝術發展獎藝術家年獎(文學組);短篇小說英譯Snow and Shadow入圍美國最佳翻譯書獎。現任教於香港浸會大學人文及創作系。
Dorothy Tse is the author of several short story collections and has received the Hong Kong Book Prize, Hong Kong Biennial Award for Chinese Literature, and Taiwan’s Unitas New Fiction Writers’ Award. Her first book to appear in English, Snow and Shadow (translated by Nicky Harman), was longlisted for the Best Translated Book Award. Her latest novel, Owlish (translated by Natascha Bruce) is published in 2023. She currently teaches in the Department of Humanities and Creative Writing at HKBU.​​​​​​​
王証恒 WONG Ching Hang 
Wong Ching Hang is a writer from Hong Kong with a passion for crafting engaging fictions, short stories, and prose. His book, Southbound Truck (2021), tells the stories of various marginalised characters living in New Territories West, Hong Kong. Through his writing, Ching Hang shines a light on their struggles, hopes, and despairs, aiming to give voice to their experiences and reflect the times they live in. Ching Hang has been honoured with prestigious awards such as the Hung Leung Hau Ling Young Writer Award, the Youth Literary Awards, and the City Literary Award. Currently, he is working on a new literary endeavour, a fantasy novel titled "The Vale of Tears."
水水 WW @littoral_hyacinth
水水 - 2016年畢業於香港浸會大學視覺藝術系,其後於2017年創立插畫品牌動力神社,原創角色「水水」是畫者心理狀態下的產物,肥則快樂平和,瘦則傷心抑鬱,以其表達自己的心情。希望動力神社這個品牌可以令大眾關注精神健康,透過作品治癒人心。畫作主題以情緒為主,走治癒風格,主張「情緒共生」,即是接受自己的各種情緒,並與之共存。主要擅長電繪、水彩、水粉彩及木顏色作畫。
The artist graduated from the Department of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University, 2016. In 2017, she began to create her illustrations brand Douryokujinja. The brand's original character "WW" is the product of the artist's psychological state. For this, WW is happy and peaceful in chubby while sad and depressed in skinny. The artist uses WW to express her feelings, to tell stories that are hard to explain and to show some wild ideas. Through the story of WW, the artist hopes to heal people's broken hearts by embracing their inner sorrow. The main theme of the artworks is emotions as well as in a therapeutic style.  The artist advocates "emotional symbiosis," that is, accepting one's various emotions and coexisting with them. She is mainly good at digital drawing, watercolour, gouache and coloured pencils.
In 2016, the artist received the Dr. Ken Liu Ko Design Award for her design poetry book, "Halt in the Word", which combines graphic design, literature and bookmaking. She received The Hong Kong Top Ten Craftsmen Award in 2020.
活動 Activities 

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時間:請參閱網站或留意Instagram @acsvaw最新消息


工作坊:Flip Flip Animate!

在參觀展覽後,透過製作翻頁動畫 (Flipbook Animation),由藝術家李鈺淇帶領大家走進動畫的世界。從基本的動畫繪製技巧,到設計方法(順序時序、空間推理),參加者可以在工作坊探索和了解動畫製作的基礎知識,發揮創意,親手製作一本屬於自己的Flipbook,回應性暴力倖存者的故事。



