同時,亦邀請大家到我們的Instagram: @acsvaw,share你填好的Bingo至你的Instagram story,並邀請3位朋友一同參與,看看誰聽過較多的性別敵意說話!
You can fill in the following form to share the gender-based hostile quotes you have ever heard. We will share your quotes below with others, and wish that everyone can pay more attention and avoid these quotes in the future!
We would also like to invite you to our Instagram @acsvaw, play the Bingo and share it to your Instagram story, and tag 3 friends to play it together. Let's see who have heard more gendered quote!
1. 女仔人家笑得咁大聲
2. 女人30歲係中女,唔結婚係剩女。男人30歲仲好後生。
3. HEHE好嘔。
4. 男人老狗謦物鬼心事?
5. 佢po張咁既相,想點?
6. 佢個閪寬過西隧。
7. 我有你無嘅野(胸)。
8. 唔斯文點做女仔。