480.0 Gender & Art Space and Inaugural Exhibition Bystander Opening
當日出席嘉賓有心蓮心的代表、前美國駐香港及澳門總領事夏千福、賴恩慈導演、文晶瑩博士以及六位參展藝術家文地貓、江記、馮家暉、東尼電機、Hello Wong、胡漢鋒。 我們非常感謝合作伙伴心蓮心贊助成立「480.0」,同時感謝嘉賓及傳媒朋友的出席,支持我們以藝術力量推廣性別平等及反性暴力。

480.0 Gender & Art Space and our inaugural exhibition "Bystander" was opened on 8th March, 2017. 480.0 will pioneer in promoting gender equity and anti-sexual violence through the power of arts. 
We are glad to welcome representatives from Women Helping Women Hong Kong (WHWHK), Mr. Clifford A. Hart, former US Consul-General to Hong Kong and Macau, Director Mo Lai, Dr. Phoebe Man and six local artists, including Mandycat, Kongkee, Fung Ka Fai, Tony Electronic, Hello Wong and Brian Wu to our opening ceremony.