'Draw the skin, and meet the people' – Life Drawing Workshop
日期:5/1 (五),12/1 (五),19/1 (五),26/1 (五)
Date: 5th Jan (Fri), 12th Jan (Fri), 19th Jan (Fri), 26th Jan (Fri)
時間:7:30pm- 9:30pm
Time: 7:30pm - 9:30 pm
Participants per session: 8 people
費用:$200/一節(2小時) 或 $700/全四節(8小時)
Fees: $200/session (2 hours) or $700/all (8 hours)
Location: 480.0 Gender and Art Space
地址:九龍 油麻地 彌敦道502-504號 德富強大廈1A室
Address: 1A, Tougha Mansion, 502-504 Nathan Road, Yau Ma Tei
活動內容: 每節2小時的工作坊將分成兩個部份,人體寫生老師Philippe Charmes 會先和大家一起寫生,資深模特兒年華是次會充當主持/嘉賓講者, 在第二部份和參加者一起和模特兒進行深入對話, 每一節將有一位模特兒,分享皮裡皮外的故事。
Activities: 2 hours workshop will be divided into 2 halves, figure drawing tutor Philippe Charmes will lead the drawing, experienced model Linwah will be the host and guest lecturer for the second half of the event. In depth dialogue will be conducted with the models.
活動名額有限,登記後我們會於稍後時間以電郵與你確認結果及付款方法。Places are very limited, We will be in contact through email to confirm your registration status. The payment method please refer to the confirmation email.
查詢 Enquiry:2392 2569
*四節被邀請的模特兒嘉賓將不會重覆。 Each session will have a different model.
**活動將不設翻譯,遊走廣東話與英語之間進行。 Event will be conducted in Cantonese and English, no translation.
***活動過程之影像記錄將用於稍後變成展覽接觸更多公眾人士, 以支持及協助480.0性別x藝術空間的性別議題倡議工作。 參加者須同時同意其肖像會出現在展覽上。 Video documentation of the event will be presented as an exhibition in order to reach out for the public audience, and to support 480.0 Gender and Art Space for facilitate work on gender issues. Participant agree their image might be shown in the exhibition by participating this event.