【風雨蘭x最佳女演員 RainLily x Best Actress】
ONE out of SEVEN women in Hong Kong have experienced sexual violence. RainLily premiered ‘The Best Actress’ ad during this year’s Hong Kong Film Awards presentation ceremony, imploring all of us to step up against sexual violence. The three stories appeared in the ad are all real-life cases, including: child sexual abuse, intimate partner violence, and workplace sexual harassment.
Breaking the silence takes courage. It also requires our society to suspend disbelief and judgement, and to become a platform that encourages victims to voice out and seek help. Bystander indifference, the lack of sex education, the imbalance of power, and an arduous justice system are reasons why victims don’t come forward. Stepping up against sexual violence is everyone’s work, it’s time to make a change together.
Special thanks to Christine Au Yang, Cheil Worldwide, Salon Films 沙龍電影有限公司
ONE out of SEVEN women in Hong Kong have experienced sexual violence. RainLily premiered ‘The Best Actress’ ad during this year’s Hong Kong Film Awards presentation ceremony, imploring all of us to step up against sexual violence. The three stories appeared in the ad are all real-life cases, including: child sexual abuse, intimate partner violence, and workplace sexual harassment.
Breaking the silence takes courage. It also requires our society to suspend disbelief and judgement, and to become a platform that encourages victims to voice out and seek help. Bystander indifference, the lack of sex education, the imbalance of power, and an arduous justice system are reasons why victims don’t come forward. Stepping up against sexual violence is everyone’s work, it’s time to make a change together.
Special thanks to Christine Au Yang, Cheil Worldwide, Salon Films 沙龍電影有限公司
最佳女演員簡介 Best Actresses Introduction :

【最佳女演員 - 兒童性侵】
根據風雨蘭個案分析,在未成年性暴力的個案中,86% 的求助者跟加害人本身是相識的。而當中只有7.5%的個案為即時求助,未成年受害人平均相隔7年才接受服務。
“Sexually assaulted by her respected teacher during high school. Live onward as if nothing had happened.” - The first story in the 'RainLily X Best Actress' video.
Analysis of underage sexual violence cases from RainLily has shown that 86% of help-seekers knew the perpetrator. Only 7.5% of cases sought help immediately, underage victims received help after 7 years in average.
To work against underage sexual abuse, we have to be better aware of possible characteristics of sexual abuse cases against children. Introducing gender equity into education is also essential on informing adolescents and children about body boundaries and mutual respect.
Special thanks to actor Charmaine.
根據風雨蘭個案分析,在未成年性暴力的個案中,86% 的求助者跟加害人本身是相識的。而當中只有7.5%的個案為即時求助,未成年受害人平均相隔7年才接受服務。
“Sexually assaulted by her respected teacher during high school. Live onward as if nothing had happened.” - The first story in the 'RainLily X Best Actress' video.
Analysis of underage sexual violence cases from RainLily has shown that 86% of help-seekers knew the perpetrator. Only 7.5% of cases sought help immediately, underage victims received help after 7 years in average.
To work against underage sexual abuse, we have to be better aware of possible characteristics of sexual abuse cases against children. Introducing gender equity into education is also essential on informing adolescents and children about body boundaries and mutual respect.
Special thanks to actor Charmaine.

【最佳女演員 - 親密伴侶性暴力】
「婚後不時遭受性暴力 每日戴著面具如常生活」形容的親密伴侶暴力,在世界衛生組織的定義下包括肢體暴力、性暴力、心理虐待及控制行為。風雨蘭的最新數字顯示,1/5的親密伴侶性暴力個案(涉及現任或前任的親密伴侶,包括配偶或男朋友)為強姦個案。
“Suffering from intimate partner sexual abuse. Put on a brave face for living” -The second story in RainLily's 'Best Actress' advert.
As defined by WHO, Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) includes physical violence, sexual violence, emotional abuse, and controlling behaviours. Rape has taken up 1/5 of intimate partner sexual violence cases (involving current or former intimate partner, such as spouse or boyfriend) according to latest statistics from RainLily.
Special thanks to actor 霏霏 & Leon.
「婚後不時遭受性暴力 每日戴著面具如常生活」形容的親密伴侶暴力,在世界衛生組織的定義下包括肢體暴力、性暴力、心理虐待及控制行為。風雨蘭的最新數字顯示,1/5的親密伴侶性暴力個案(涉及現任或前任的親密伴侶,包括配偶或男朋友)為強姦個案。
“Suffering from intimate partner sexual abuse. Put on a brave face for living” -The second story in RainLily's 'Best Actress' advert.
As defined by WHO, Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) includes physical violence, sexual violence, emotional abuse, and controlling behaviours. Rape has taken up 1/5 of intimate partner sexual violence cases (involving current or former intimate partner, such as spouse or boyfriend) according to latest statistics from RainLily.
Special thanks to actor 霏霏 & Leon.

【最佳女演員 - 職場性騷擾】
「在公司被上司性騷擾多年 默默啞忍」
“Sexually harassed at work by her supervisor for many years.”-The third story in RainLily's 'Best Actress' advert.
Sexual harassment cases had reached new high in 2015-2017, which was 1.6 times of 2012-2014. 49% of victims share a workplace relationship with the perpetrators, 41% of cases happened at workplace.
Special thanks to actor Kimmy.
「在公司被上司性騷擾多年 默默啞忍」
“Sexually harassed at work by her supervisor for many years.”-The third story in RainLily's 'Best Actress' advert.
Sexual harassment cases had reached new high in 2015-2017, which was 1.6 times of 2012-2014. 49% of victims share a workplace relationship with the perpetrators, 41% of cases happened at workplace.
Special thanks to actor Kimmy.
Film: Best Use, Social/Environmental Good: Charity/Non-Profit – Third Prize
Direct & Collateral: Social/Environmental Good: Charity/Non-Profit – Finalist
Public Relations: Social/Environmental Good: Charity/Non-Profit – Finalist
Media Lotus – Silver
Branded entertainment lotus – Bronze
Film Lotus – Finalist
Media - Media Single - Best Use of Events – Bronze
Media - Media Single: Best Use of Small Budget (Up to HK$0.2m Media Spending) – Merit
Outdoor: Ambient, Non-Standard Indoor Advertising – Crystal
PR: Practices & Specialism, Celebrity Endorsement - Crystal
Film & Video | Television – Silver Pencil
Public Service & CSR – Silver Pencil
Glass: The Award For Change – Shortlist
Brand Experience & Activation: Live Shows / Concerts / Festivals - Shortlist